6 Ways to Smoothen Late Menstruation Naturally

6 Ways to Smoothen Late Menstruation Naturally

Sideplant - Usually some women already know if the menstrual transition is around 21 to 35 days. However, it seems that only a few women know how to speed up menstruation or menstruation. The question is, why is the menstrual transition accelerated?

The reasons are various, for example doing religious worship, going on vacation to a desired place, or other things that require women to appear optimally without being "disturbed" by complaints during the month.

Then, how to accelerate the presence of menstruation or menstrual transition?

Consumption of several drugs

Some drugs can help to speed up the presence of menstruation. For example, birth control pills or birth control injections. Besides being able to ease cramps and pain during menstruation, birth control drugs can shorten the duration of menstruation each month.

The thing that needs to be underlined is that the use of some drugs (hormonal contraceptives) must be based on a doctor's prescription. The doctor will determine the type of hormonal contraception that is right for you.

In short, it cannot be used arbitrarily to speed up the presence of menstruation. In addition, the step of accelerating the presence of menstruation with hormonal contraception requires some time to be efficient.

In addition to family planning, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) can be used to speed up menstruation. NSAIDs can reduce excessive prostaglandins that can increase uterine muscle contractions.


Steps to speed up the presence of menstruation can also be by consuming pineapple. This fruit is rich in bromelain, an enzyme that is believed to affect estrogen and other hormones. In addition, according to a study from the Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association, the bromelain in pineapple can help reduce infections.

Nach, in other words the bromelain in pineapple can help deal with irregular periods associated with infections. However, until now there is still no scientific evidence that shows pineapple or bromelain supplements stimulate menstruation.

Consumption of Vitamin C

Vitamin C is considered to be able to induce menstruation, blood clots in the womb, to reduce bleeding and speed up menstruation. Unfortunately, there is no reliable scientific evidence to support this claim. However, vitamin C is thought to increase estrogen levels and decrease progesterone levels.

Nach, the above conditions can make the decay of the composition of the content faster. The result, can shorten the menstrual period or accelerate the presence of menstruation. To try this system is simple. Eat foods or fruits that are high in vitamin C or extra vitamin C.

The thing that needs to be a concern, do not let excessive consumption of vitamin C in the body. This situation spurred various complaints, such as pain in the stomach to diarrhea.

Drink Ginger

Ginger has various benefits for body health. This traditional medicine is considered to induce menstruation because it can cause uterine contractions. However, as with lemons and pineapples, there is no scientific evidence to support this claim. How to use ginger to speed up menstruation is not directly consumed, you know. The simplest step is to make ginger tea.

Consumption of Certain Foods

Certain foods are considered to be able to help speed up the presence of menstruation. For example like papaya, carrots, and pumpkin. All three contain carotene which can stimulate menstruation.

In addition, there is also celery that can excite the blood vessels in the womb. Celery contains apiol, a natural substance that stimulates the uterus to contract, causing menstruation


It's no secret that depression can cause your period to be late. How come? When a person is depressed, the body will produce hormones such as cortisol or adrenaline. Nach, these two hormones block the production of the hormones estrogen and progesterone. In fact, estrogen and progesterone are important for maintaining a regular menstrual transition.

The thing that needs to be emphasized, ask your doctor before trying some of the ways above. There is a chance the methods above are inefficient or may not be safe for some women.
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